WeatherCall Enterprise
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How it works

Recent Improvements In Severe Weather Warning Technology

LightningUntil recently, the only method other than outdoor sirens to proactively receive a severe weather warning was the weather radio, which can only be as specific as an entire county.

Recent improvements in how the National Weather Service defines warning areas are based on computerized mapping, resulting in warning areas being reduced by an average of 75%.


The WeatherCall Enterprise Solution: No False Alarms

Weld CountyWeatherCall Enterprise leverages this new computerized mapping technology, which means your business will only be notified when the severe weather warning box occurs within your protective zone. This eliminates false alarms!

The graphic on the right shows a weather radar image of the devasting Windsor, Colorado tornado of May, 2008. The borders of Weld County (consisting of 3,993 square miles) are shown in white. The area affected by this tornado was actually only 10% of the county's total area, and is shown as a red box. The area represented by this red box are the only parts of the county that would have received a warning notification from WeatherCall during this tornado.